Welcome to Naveenya Kaya Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.

We believe in the power of nature

Our commitment to quality is reflected in our extensive range of herbal products, meticulously crafted to support your holistic health journey.

  • Natural Ingredients

  • Holistic Health

Vivamus id eleifend at sollicitudin

Enjoy the right food with right nutrition. Eat organic

Mauris fermentum ipsum a congue porttitor. Mauris feugiat libero turpis, sed ultricies sem sodales ut. Integer consequat erat liberos, vitae facilisis elit semper a.

  • Healthier you eat, healthier you live.

  • No medicine can heal you better than organic food does

Vivamus id eleifend at sollicitudin

Prominent health care starts with healthy food

Mauris fermentum ipsum a congue porttitor. Mauris feugiat libero turpis, sed ultricies sem sodales ut. Integer consequat erat liberos, vitae facilisis elit semper a.

  • Food if it’s not organic, is not a good food

  • No medicine can heal you better than organic food does

Weekend Discount

Natural Face Booster

Only for this week...

Weekend Discount

Anto Marks Cream

Only for this week...

Weekend Discount

Sun Screen Lotion

Only for this week...

Conscious Living and Organic cooking

Embrace the Power of Nature with Naveenya Kaya

Mauris urna ligula, luctus a molestie non, placerat id odio. Morbi dolor tortor, hendrerit sed tellus a, scelerisque ullamcorper nunc. Vestibulum vel tellus vel eros tincidunt volutpat.


    The devoted organic artisans.


    Committed to organic excellence.


    Not just any other organic.

Weekend Discount

Nourish Your Body with Nature's Best!

Experience the power of organic food. Shop Now for exclusive deals and discounts!

Explore our curated selection of herbal products.

Weekend Discount

Elevate Your Wellness Journey!

Discover the benefits of organic living today!